Delaware Business Now: Wells Fargo Foundation presents $15,000 check for YMCA summer program

The Wells Fargo Foundation presented a check of $15,000 to support the YMCA of Delaware’s Take on Summer program.

Established in 2015, the Take on Summer program offers teens who live in the stateof Delaware, free summer memberships to access the Y’s fitness facilities and swimming pools as, as well as participate in art activities, games and social events. The presentation was made at the Bear-Glasgow Y.

In addition, teens are provided with a safe place to develop life skills, spend time with friends, receive daily nutritious meals and have a high-quality summer experience, a release stated.

“One of our core goals at Wells Fargo is to support our communities,” said Lauren Tobiassen, Delaware Valley Region Bank President for Wells Fargo. “The YMCA is doing outstanding work with Delaware’s youth and the Take on Summer program is helping to ensure that the youth are equipped to thrive in today’s society. It’s a privilege to be a part of that.”

The grant is part of Wells Fargo’s commitment to improving low-income communities in Delaware. In 2017, the Wells Fargo Foundation and the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation awarded over $725,000 to Delaware communities and $286 million dollars nationwide.

Take on Summer is a part of the YMCA’s larger efforts to close the achievement gap and support Delaware’s children and families. Last year, over 5,000 children and teens participated in summer camp and after school programs at YMCAs and partnering schools throughout Delaware. Nearly 1,700 of these children and teens received financial assistance made possible by donors such as Wells Fargo.

“The take on Summer program has become one of our signature programs over the last several years at all of our YMCA locations, providing a safe haven and supportive environment for teens and families who need our support the most” said Deborah Bagatta-Bowles, CEO of the YMCA of Delaware. “Support from the Wells Fargo Foundation will make a tangible impact in the lives of our teens and without the support of the philanthropic community, programs like this would not be possible.”

To learn more about the YMCA’s youth development programs throughout Delaware, contact one of our facilities today:


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Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.


Swim lessons, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more – we have something for everyone! Register Here. 


YMCA of Delaware Fall Festivals are free, safe, and open to the community! For dates and activities by location, click here.
