Ways to Give

How can you join our cause?

When you give to the Y, you support critical programs and services for young people, adults, and families who need them the most. Learn how you can give to the Y today.

The Y enhances our ability to achieve our dreams and face new challenges with courage and confidence throughout our lives. The power of this exceptional Y lies in people like you, each making a unique contribution to build a community that is stronger than the sum — here to ensure the next generation thrives.

Cash and Pledges

Make an immediate donation, or pledge online by clicking the DONATE button below.

Donate Today!


Donations can also be sent to:
YMCA of Delaware
Attention: Philanthropy Office
100 W. 10th Street, Suite 1100
Wilmington, DE 19801


Make a Gift of Securities

To ensure proper recognition and application of the gift, the YMCA of Delaware encourages donors to notify us of the transfer of securities and which YMCA program(s) the donor wishes to benefit from the gift at [email protected].

Please notify your broker with the following information:

  • Stock may be transferred directly to the YMCA of Delaware’s brokerage account via Depository Trust Company (DTC).
  • The YMCA of Delaware has a brokerage account with Merrill Lynch. Merrill Lynch’s DTC transfer number is 8862.
  • Instructions should be given to place the securities in the YMCA of Delaware’s account #: 753-04270.
  • Tax ID # is 51-0065748.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF):

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individual, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some case, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program. Learn more.

Please consider recommending the YMCA of Delaware (Tax ID# 51-0065748) as an organization to support through your donor-advised fund (e.g., Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable).


The YMCA of Delaware’s Heritage Society: Your Family’s Lasting Legacy

The YMCA of Delaware’s Heritage Society honors those who have made a lasting impact at the YMCA through planned giving. Membership in the Heritage Society simply requires a commitment of a gift, now or in the future, ensuring the YMCA of Delaware is strong for future generations. Planned giving allows donors to reduce their tax burden, ensure their family is taken care of and, at the same time, benefit charity. Most importantly, members of our Heritage Society change lives and shape future generations. How will your legacy live on?

  • BEQUESTS: Gifts to the Y through wills or living trusts may include specific property, a dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate or trust property.
  • GIFT ANNUITY: A charitable gift annuity allows for a significant gift to the Y while providing fixed payments to the donor and/or loved ones.
  • LIFE INSURANCE/ RETIREMENT PLANS: Making a gift of a life insurance policy or designating the Y as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan may allow a sizable gift to the Y with minimal cost and the potential for tax savings.

Learn more about the YMCA of Delaware’s Heritage Society HERE.



Take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood. Learn more

Matching Gifts

Did you know your gift could be doubled or even tripled with a matching gift from your employer? Click here to search for your employer.

United Way

If your employer participates with the United Way, you can designate your donation for the YMCA of Delaware. Check with your Human Resources Department to obtain the information and forms.


Contact us

We welcome the opportunity to discuss how a giving plan might work for you. All inquiries are confidential and without obligation. Please contact:

Jesus De Las Salas
Vice President of Social Responsibility & Corporate Partnership
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (310) 713-3119

Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.